Liverpool Friends of Palestine

Liverpool Friends of Palestine is a locally-based support group that campaigns for justice for the Palestinian people. We are not affiliated to any political party in either Britain or Palestine, nor do we have any particular religious basis.

We introduce ourselves with THIS LEAFLET and this business card (FRONT) (BACK).

To join us, either as member or supporter, email to or use the Contact Us tab on this site.

Our aims, as stated in our constitution are:

  • for the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people
  • for the right of return of the Palestinian people
  • for the immediate withdrawal of the Israeli state from the occupied territories
  • against the oppression and dispossession suffered by the Palestinian people
  • in support of the rights of the Palestinian people and their struggle to achieve these rights
  • to promote Palestinian civil society in the interests of democratic rights and social justice
  • to oppose Israel’s occupation and its aggression against neighbouring states
  • in opposition to racism, including anti-Jewish prejudice and Islamophobia and the apartheid and Zionist nature of the Israeli state.


We are affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. We support their activities and encourage all our members and supporters to join PSC as individual members. The PSC’s website is at


  • Street events – we’re out on the streets of Liverpool regularly with publicity in support of the Palestinians
  • Public meetings – we organise public meetings on particular issues to do with Palestine and the Middle East.
  • Trade not aid – we promote Palestinian produce as a way of helping the Palestinian economy
  • Cultural events – we support events that feature Palestinian writers, actors, musicians, dancers etc
  • Pressure group – we support the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions to isolate the state of Israel
  • Fundraising – we raise money for groups and causes that directly benefit and promote Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank