


Apartheid from within? the Palestinian citizens of Israel – published by Al Shabaka November 2017 – HERE.

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the crime of apartheid – published by Yesh Din July 2020 – HERE.

This is Apartheid – important position paper published by Btselem January 2021 – HERE 

A Threshold Crossed – published by Human Rights Watch April 2021 – HERE.

Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians – cruel system of domination and crime against humanity – published by Amnesty International February 2022 – The lengthy full report is HERE, there is a 15-minute youtube summary HERE and a 90-minute online course is available free from Amnesty HERE.

Legal opinion on the legality of Israel’s occupation, published by University College London, November 2022 – HERE.

Israeli Apartheid – Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism – published by Al-Haq November 2022 and endorsed by several other organisations – HERE

Position paper on moves towards annexing the West Bank, published by Israeli Law Professors’ Forum for Democracy, March 2023 – HERE.

Automated Apartheid – Israel’s use of facial recognition technology in surveillance of Palestinians. Published by Amnesty International May 2023 – HERE

The Legal Status of the Israeli Occupation – published by the Israeli organisation Yesh Din June 2023 – HERE. 

State of the Occupation – Year 56, a joint report by 18 Israeli human rights organisations, June 2023 – HERE


Get Your bombs Off Our Lawn – the arms industry and the University of Liverpool – published by Liverpool Friends of Palestine and Campaign Against the Arms Trade October 2015 – HERE

Apartheid in the fields – From occupied Palestine to UK supermarkets – published by Corporate Watch February 2016 – HERE

Don’t Buy Into Occupation – published by DBIO coalition (which includes PSC) September 2021 – HERE.


Occupation Inc – How settlement businesses contribute to Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights – published by Human Rights Watch January 2016 – HERE

Briefing on illegal annexation – published by CAABU July 2020 – HERE.

This is Ours and This Too – Israel’s settlement policy in the West Bank – published by Btselem March 2021 – HERE.

Creeping Dispossession – Israeli restrictions on Palestinian farming beyond the barrier – published by Hamoked October 2021 – HERE.

Briefing on annexation – published by Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights February 2022 – HERE

One-year (2021) report on demolitions and seizures in the West Bank including East Jerusalem – published by European Union February 2022

For the Common Good – military expropriation orders on the West Bank 1967 – 2022 – published  by Israeli NGOs Kerem Navot and Haqel December 2022 – HERE 

Regavim – how charitable donations are funding indigenous erasure – published by Campaign to Defund Racism September 2023 – HERE 


Unwilling and Unable – Israel’s whitewashed investigations of the Great March of Return protests – published by Btselem December 2021 – HERE

Cultural Apartheid   Israel’s erasure of Palestinian heritage in Gaza – published by Al Haq January 2022 – HERE.

Delayed, Denied and Deprived – The collective punishment of Palestinian patients in Gaza – published by MAP June 2022 – HERE.

Trapped – the impact of 15 years of blockade on the mental health of Gaza’s children – published by Save the Children Fund June 2022 – HERE

Gaza: Israel’s open-air prison at 15 – published by Human Rights Watch June 2022 – HERE


I can’t erase all the blood from my mind – published by Human Rights Watch July 2024 – HERE

Water war crimes – how Israel has weaponised water in its military campaign in Gaza – published by Oxfam July 2024 – HERE


Children in Military Custody – published by a delegation of eminent British lawyers June 2012 – HERE.

Defenceless – the impact of Israeli military detention on Palestinian children – published by Save the Children 2020 – HERE

Arbitrary by Default – Palestinian Children in the Israeli military court system – published by Defence for Children International June 2023 – HERE

INJUSTICE – Palestinian children’s experience of the Israeli military detention system – published by Save the Children July 2023 – HERE


Israeli practices towards the Palestinian people and the question of apartheid – published by UN Economic Commission for Western Asia 2017 – HERE

Report of the Special Co-ordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) November 2021 – HERE

Report to Human Rights Council February 2022 – HERE.

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory May 2022 – HERE.

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory September 2022 – HERE

Report of the Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese September 2022 – HERE

Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People September 2022 – HERE.

The (Il)legality of Israel’s prolonged occupation of the Palestinian territory – perspectives derived from UN reports of September 2022. Published by, March 2023 – HERE

Special Rapporteur report on racism and the environment October 2022 – HERE. This is a general report but see paras 28 – 29 with reference to Israeli actions in occupied territory.

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the OPT, May 2023 – HERE.

Detailed findings by the Independent International Commission, May 2023 – HERE.

Report of the Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese June 2023 – HERE.


Environmental Nakba: Environmental injustice and violations of the Israeli occupation of Palestine – published by Friends of the Earth International September 2013 – HERE

A Raw Deal – Abuse of Thai workers in Israel’s agricultural sector – published by Human Rights Watch January 2015 – HERE

Military Rule – testimonies of Israeli soldiers 2011 – 2021 – published by Breaking the Silence 2022 – HERE

Where is Palestine? A story of loss, inequality and failure – published  by Christian Aid September 2021 – HERE.

Justice for Palestine – promoting decent work and respect for Palestinian rights – published by the British TUC September 2022 – HERE

Right to Health – Barriers to health and attacks on health care – published by World Health Organisation 2022 – HERE.

West Bank: new entry rules further isolate Palestinians – published by Human Rights Watch January 2023 – HERE

Israel’s Arrest Policy against Palestinian students – published by Law for Palestine April 2023 – HERE. 

State of the Occupation – Year 56 – published by a joint platform of 17 Israeli non-governmental organisations June 2023 – HERE

The Practice of Suppressing Palestinian Rights Advocacy through the IHRA working definition of antisemitism  published by European Legal Support Centre, June 2023 – HERE


Troubled Waters – Palestinians denied fair access to water – published by Amnesty International 2009 – HERE

Water injustice in Palestine: a limiting factor for social and economic development  –  published by Friends of the Earth International March 2014 – HERE.

Access to water – published by Makan January 2018 – HERE

Parched: Israel’s policy of water deprivation in the West Bank – published by Btselem May 2023 – HERE

Water war crimes – how Israel has weaponised water in its military campaign in Gaza – published by Oxfam July 2024 – HERE